Make a Spider to learn about 8 legged beasties

how to make a spider

A really easy and quick project but enables your child to spend plenty of time doing the best part – decorating! We have 2 objectives, the first is to make a satisfying spider-like model with a body and 8 legs, the second is an excuse to chat and learn more about spiders.

Incy Wincy Spider Lyrics – Craft and Sing-a-long

Incy wincy spider climbed up the waterspout,
Down came the rain and washed poor incy out,
Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain,
So incy wincy spider climbed up the spout again

Time 5min – 1hour (depending on attention span)

 What you’ll need

  • Pipe cleaners
  • Scissors (optional)
  • Small pompoms
  • Glue

Stuff to decorate with

  • Glitter
  • Feathers
  • Gemstones

Method: read all about spiders using our spiders factsheet and pick out details your child will find interesting. An EYFS level child will enjoy counting the spider’s legs and a sing along to incy wincey is bound to get a few giggles (well it did for the quality of my singing alone).

red pipe cleaners

Cut the pipe cleaners in half to make a small spider or use the full length for a scissor free version.

Group together twisting them in the middle they should hold themselves together.

twist the pipe cleaners
Twist the pipecleaners

Get a pompom and attach with a small dab of glue to the base. The older child might like to tackle adding an abdomen using a smaller pompom attached to the main body – ta dah all finished!

Now for the fun part let your child decorate to their hearts content, add eyes or even string for silk – who says spiders can’t be sparkle with glitter!

home made spider
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